Friday, September 14, 2007

the eternal ambition!!!!!!!!

Right frm CEOs of big firms to presidents & prime ministers.......................ambitions may be endless, but nevertheless the world of a guy revolves only around one eternal ambition........GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!
Cruising through the Eves' rows on the first day of classroom session with those 'hawk-eyes' tells us all about the times ahead much better than a soothsayer.
Wanna tame dogs,look out fr professinals. Wanna tame lions, u need a ringmaster.
Wanna tame BOYZ, leave it to girlzzzzz......'cause they know!!!!!!!!
Daydreaming,bunking,spendthrifting & a chaotic life become fair once 'sanctioned' by the fairness of the fair sex. So all those calling us 'majnus' & 'deewanas'..........
we r guys & bieng guys we r HELPLESS!!!!!!!