It was this book, I read a few days ago............'The making of Laloo Yadav, the unmaking of Bihar' . India is a civilisation which has existed on this planet for thousands of years.
This ultra rich inheritance may not have been able to give us many things, but it has given us a mind which has tolerated the worst scenarios with an overwhelming bravery.
Be it anything, stark poverty, illiteracy, violence, terrorism, we tend to make the greatest storms a part n parcel of our lives. Nowadays, bomblasts ve become a routine, god knows wht is left........maybe a nuke !!!!!
Well, coming back to bihar n Lalu. For years, the state has been doomed, the sole reason cited being corruption, bribery, illiteracy, ignorance, votebank politics...........the list is endless but fr the outer world the work of rebuilding Bihar seems to be quite easy, " Just an iron hand, they say ".
I ve heard ppl ........
" Bihar has got the brightest lot of the whole nation, the only problem is administration, ",
" Saala lalu ko hata ke, sab yadav log ka band baja do, 2 din mein Bihar America ban jayega "
Maybe they r right, maybe adinistration needs an overhauling but my question is wht abt the bigger picture????
If in a democracy, we can't fight it out, if we can't make our ppl 2 rule us according to our choices ,then r we nt worth being doomed forever ???
The real problem is not administration, but our mentality tht creates this system 2 continue. It is not tht India is free frm the concepts of castes, of creeds, infact I don' see any possibility in recent years for these institutions to vanish out, but nowwhere else will u find well equipped armies representing upper n lower castes ( read bhumiars n maos) but in Bihar,
nowwhere else will u find Brahmins ( read Maithil Brahmins of Devghar ) protesting the deployment of Dalit constables at Baidnath Dham, brutal murders of boys n girls marrying outside their castes out of their own will doesn't take place in greater numbers but only n only in Bihar. Parents r forced 2 give dozens of lacs as dowry simply 2 get their daughters married 2 the boy of the same caste ( a 10 lacs budget is not possible fr a govt servant unless he stuffs up his ass with bribes in the name of marrying his daughter, so we know a very ' legitimate' reason fr corruption ).
Dreams r 2 be lived, a better bihar can be formed, but the beginning will be on the day when in a remote village ,the illiterate father of a girl child looking at her sitting in the classroom doesn' bother about the caste of her neighbour but her future and feel the pride of ensuring her a life better than himself , her own mother!!!!!